Wednesday, February 2, 2011

America - for a little while...

Ok, so I know that I was a terrible blogger during my time in Peace Corps, I chalk it up to bush living, slow internet, and hot days. Nonetheless I apologize to anyone who was trying to keep up with me through my blog. Currently I am back in America - I finished up my Peace Corps service about two months ago, and after a 12 day trip to Tunisa (before the rioting started) and Barcelona, I arrived home. For the past six weeks I have been hanging out, seeing friends and family, relaxing, and readjusting to life in America. So far I think my biggest readjustment issues have been missing my Nigerian friends and family and food in America. Food has been an issue, because in Niger I knew exactly where all of my food was coming from, I was present for every process from the time it was planted to the time it was eaten. In America I have no idea where my food has come from, so many things are processed or have unnecessary  ingredients I don't need or want to put into my body. The variety of food here is also so overwhelming! Despite the hardships of readjusting, I have been enjoying seeing friends and family here, having water and electricity everyday, and driving!

As good as it has been to be back in America, I am planning on shipping out again. This time I'm heading for Prague, Czech Republic. I'll be participating in a Teaching English as a Foreign Language program for four weeks and after that I'm hoping to find a job teaching. I'm so excited for this wonderful opportunity to learn something new and to travel and live in a different place. Because I'll have internet access daily I'll hopefully be updating my blog more regularly. (Inshallah!) So... stay tuned, I'll keep you posted on what I'm doing and where I'm at.

Hope all is well!

